Uluhogian Gabriella: Armenia: Imprints of a Civilization

Uluhogian Gabriella: Armenia: Imprints of a Civilization

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Жанр : Thames and Hudson
Издательство : Thames&Hudson
Год издания : 2012

This is the mystery and fascination of the Armenian culture in an original exhibition catalogue. The Armenia: The Traces of a Civilisation exhibition, and the catalogue accompanying it, present the high achievements of the Armenian culture in the spiritual, artistic, architectural, economic sectors, as well as in the world of thinking, in an original chronological and thematic way. The ancient stelae with engraved cross, the vividly coloured miniatures, the religious architecture and precious reliquaries preserved for centuries in the See of the Apostolic Armenian Church at Echmiadzin reveal the great skills of Armenian artists through the ages. Attention is also turned to the long and fruitful relationships of the Armenians with various populations and cultures from Europe to the Far East. In particular, through historic documents, manuscripts and works of art, it is shown how the Armenian presence in Venice developed and how the Armenians were seen by the Venetians in the political, economic, literary and artistic context of the Serenissima. In particular, using historic documents, manuscripts and works of art. In the last section, the visitor can admire some fine manuscripts that reveal something about the science, theology, philosophy, history and literature of the times. A special section will be dedicated to the introduction into Armenia of the printing press in 1512: the finest printed books produced by the closely-linked Armenian colonies around the world will be on display.

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