De Botton Alain: Religion for Atheists: A Non-believer's Guide to the Uses of Religion

De Botton Alain: Religion for Atheists: A Non-believer's Guide to the Uses of Religion

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Жанр : Penguin Group
Издательство : Penguin Group
Год издания : 2013

The boring debate between fundamentalist believers and non-believers is finally moved on by Alain de Botton's inspiring new book, which boldly argues that the supernatural claims of religion are of course entirely false — and yet that religions still have important things to teach the secular world. Rather than mocking religions, agnostics and atheists should instead steal from them — because they're packed with good ideas on how we live and arrange our societies. Blending deep respect with total impiety, de Botton (a non-believer) proposes that we should look to religions for insights into how to build a sense of community, make our relationships last, get more out of art, overcome feelings of envy and inadequacy, and much more. For too long non-believers have faced a stark choice between either swallowing peculiar doctrines or doing away with consoling and beautiful rituals and ideas. At last Alain de Botton has fashioned a far more interesting and truly helpful alternative.

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