Overton Jenny: The Thirteen Days of Christmas

Overton Jenny: The Thirteen Days of Christmas

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Жанр : Oxford University Press
Издательство : Oxford University Press
Год издания : 2009

Prudence, James, and Christopher Kitson would love to see their sister, Annaple, marry her sweetheart, Francis Vere. To help things along, they tell Francis to be as romantic as he can when choosing a Christmas present for Annaple. When he arrives on Christmas Day with a partridge in a pear tree, Annaple is delighted! But that is only the first day of Christmas and the presents don't stop there. Soon the house fills up with a seemingly endless stream of turtle doves, French hens, swans, dairymaids, and more. As the townspeople gather outside to watch the daily delivery of gifts, will Annaple be charmed or alarmed by the chaos of it all? And will the thirteenth day of Christmas bring the wedding that everyone is hoping for? The Thirteen Days of Christmas was first published in 1972 and this illustrated edition sees a return to its original presentation, making this a wonderful book to give and share at Christmas time.

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