Littell Robert: The Revolutionist

Littell Robert: The Revolutionist

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Жанр : Daedalus Books
Издательство : Daedalus Books
Год издания : 2009

An epic saga of the Soviet Union's brutal first decades-from The New York Times bestselling master of espionage. Hailed as the American le CarrA(c), Robert Littell presents an ambitious novel about star-crossed idealist Alexander Til. When Til returns from America to Petrograd on the eve of the October Revolution in 1917, it is to put his life on the line in the hope of transforming Russia. But after witnessing the birth of a new era, he watches the people, and his own ideals, trampled by the rise of Josef Stalin-with whom Til is destined to have a shattering confrontation. Taking readers from the storming of the Winter Palace to the nightmares of the gulag, The Revolutionist is a masterwork of historical fiction.

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