Gage Jenny: Upstairs, Downstairs and Outside

Gage Jenny: Upstairs, Downstairs and Outside

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Жанр : Alinari 24 ORE
Издательство : Alinari 24 ORE
Год издания : 2010

Drawn to the mid-zone between documentary and fiction, the photographer-couple Jenny Gage and Tom Betterton have evolved a narrative style of portraiture that approaches and re-approaches their subjects from all angles-a style that has served them well in the field of fashion photography, where they have made great portrait-sequences of Kate Winslet, Salma Hayek and Uma Thurman among others, for major fashion magazines such as Vogue and Elle. Gage and Betterton also collaborate on art projects which they have exhibited widely. In Upstairs, Downstairs & Outside, the couple offers a intimate exploration of three women in various states of nudity, from photographs taken in and around the couple's Brooklyn home over the course of a year. In this beautifully designed volume, Cage and Betterton have forged an informal celebration of the nude form.

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